Gallery of Modern Art 2

The Amazing World of M.C. Escher
Gallery of Modern Art 2, Edinburgh

As part of The National Gallery of Modern Art’s marketing campaign for their summer blockbuster exhibition, Old School Fabrications were commissioned to design, make and install an M.C. Escher inspired maze.

The maze took inspiration from Escher’s ‘impossible’ architectural themed prints and measured 12m x 12m. 120 sheets of Spruce plywood, with timber framed supports, were used in the construction, sited on the lawn in front of Edinburgh’s Gallery of Modern Art 2.

The maze worked perfectly in helping to bring a large audience to the gallery, adding to the exhibition’s huge success. The maze has since been purchased by a private buyer, continuing to bamboozle and amuse.


Spruce Plywood

Lower images courtesy of Scottish National Galleries